Look man, just because I don’t drink, don’t mean I don’t know now, believe you me, I’ve drank with the best of them. And yeah, BIBI is welcome at my table anytime.
This morning outside (I like it outside), looking at the front yard

Having trail balogna in the smokers, pork with buffalo, and because that 20 pounds will be gifts, I added some pepperjack with a dash which is less than a pinch of Carolina Reaper, because I’m nice like that, I spared no expense.
Sips coffee… Looks peaceful don’t it, sounds peaceful
The world is everything but peaceful, no money to be make in peace, maybe there will be peace when humankind stops killing each other’s babies and get back on the right track, Humankind’s first best destiny, to explore.
And another thing
Before Zefram Cochrane

there was me G’damnit
Now excuse me, I have bacon to attend to