Meanwhile in the front yard

Men of the lake tryin to sneak by without me knowing, not happening.

Sips coffee, rather balmy out here with a slight breeze which a natural occurring item, not climate change.

I try to leave poltics to others, that way I keep the swearing and cussing to a minimum. Doesn’t mean I don’t pay attention

Random thought:

Think God has a sense of humor, I think He does, well… I hope He does because I really don’t wanna go around Purgatory wearing rollarskates.

On the subject of TACT

How to tell a bunch of fucking commiepinkcobastards to fuck off without really saying fuck off. I give credit where credit is do.

there’s always the alternative:

A group of Baboons is known as a Congress

Ever see something and you cannot help but smile, I do that times why? because everyday,

the STUPID gets more STUPIDER

Sips coffee with a small prayer offered

Let me not be sheltered from the dangers

but to be fearless in facing them