Pop Quizz,G’damn democrats also fits

Don’t know how you grew up, an hour of Saturday cartoons was about we got, other than that, outside! Now books, books were everywhere, all kinds. Come to think of it, I never heard once “Outside” when I had my face in book. It’s not like I grew up with a shopping mall down street, there still isn’t a shopping mall around here.


Tomorrow, I have this bookworm/buyer coming to look at some books, a good way to look view books, “would I burn a koran?”

No, no I wouldn’t, I’d do what Thomas Jefferson did and go a step farther, he had it translated word for word so he fully understood what the world was up against. I’d translate it and have it on display so people could understand fully, what it means to be from the West. Marathon, we still live with what happened there so long ago.

Going through some books on her shelves, I was smiling at the thought, seeing the G’damn democrats clutching their pearls, setting their hair on fire looking like Richard Prior running down the street.

Maybe this one

No matter what they say, what they do, they cannot change their stripes.

It’s not that I have to many books, it’s more like I’m Shelf-deficient.

This whole album is worthy of your time

even Sodapop