A lesson learned Hard

That cookbook with the dreaded yellow fruit, it’s just a cookbook right, not really. Was a time when people to America to better themselves, add to the fabric of something special. Even back then, when people came, they also brought their ways, thier customs, remembering who they were, their bloodlines. Much the same today with a exception

no assimilation.

One could see that picture as ” by design” manufactured hatred for all things America.

It’s Christmas, not all Christmas stories are good stories. The back story people can look up and find manufactured hate. Could be one reason why yoopers see things a little different. Everyone has heard the term ” never yell FIRE! in a crowded theatre.

Life goes on

Land & Weather (snow)

when that’s all there is, people tend find way to survive and for most part, get along.

Family, friends and food

Look Auntie, no dreaded yellow fruit!