Christmas Trees and a Conversation

Treehouse!  Why the name?

Perhaps this is fuel for a conversation as you decorate your Christmas tree.

There are three types of people in your life cycle, Leafs, Branches and Roots/Trunks.

• The Leaf people are seasonal; they will be there for a little while then gone.  Enjoy them and the beauty they provide but accept they will transition and not remain attached.

• The branch people are more stable; they will be around for several seasons and grow along with you.  However, when the pressure really mounts upon you, they can break away and that process creates a need for healing.  Again, cherish the branches; hope they will always remain; treat them with kindness but retain your own spiritual core as you grow.

• The Trunk/Root people.  These are the most important. These are the relationships that will stand with you forever in your lifecycle.  These are the steadfast. These are the source of nutrition for your life of growth.  These are the people who strengthen your purpose, bond forever and will never relent.  In the world of natural creation, God is present here.

In the natural world any natural element that does not give more than it takes will not survive.  God created everything this way for a purpose.

If a plant takes more nutrition from the soil than it provides, it will die.  Natural growth becomes a system of giving more than taking.  Abundant harvests are contingent upon fertilization.  Relationships are built the same way.  If a person takes more than they give, eventually the relationship will die; eventually the giver cannot survive without reciprocal nutrition.  This is the natural law of our Creator.

A life of abundance is only possible when you give, when you choose to fertilize others.  If you spend more time taking than giving, you die (on the inside first).

The man who says, “I can” and the man who says, “I can’t, are both correct.  The difference is what they put in their mind, and then ultimately manifest.

When you pray thankfulness for both the abundance and the challenges in your life, He hears you.

Be strong! 

♦ When you pray for courage, God does not make you courageous. God does not zap you with a feeling of instant invincibility.  Instead, He creates the opportunity for you to manifest and show the courage that exists within yourself.  When the opportunity is presented, be courageous.

♦ When you pray for wisdom, God does not make you wise.  God does not zap you with new mental synapses that generate different thought sequences.  Instead, He creates the opportunity for you to manifest the wisdom that exists within yourself.  When the opportunity is presented, be wise.

♦ When you pray for patience, God does not make you patient.  God does not zap you with a feeling of peace, stability, assurance and calmness.  Instead, He creates the opportunity for you to manifest and express patience.   When you are challenged by the opportunity, the choice to be patient and calm is yours.

♦ When you pray to be a better person in the life of others, God does not make you a better friend, colleague, spouse, father, counsellor.  God does not zap you with the respect of your peers, the love of your family or friends.  Instead, He creates the opportunity for you to express your best self, to build up, cherish, help and give to those you care about.  When presented with the opportunity, be your best self -GIVE- the rest will follow.

Live your very best life by being your very best self.

You deserve it!

Love to all.

From the trunk of the Treehouse,

~ Sundance
