Flashback with a smile

Just inside the relics room under some stuff, lots of stuff, found a waffle iron, 1930’s maybe. The female end was rather wowed out, why kamalaaaaa the brainless came to mind, don’t know, but she did.

Was sipping a coffee outside by the lake, well I was trying to, Odin had other ideas such as ” that human, looks like a chew toy to me.

Odin would have a good Marine, he’s got a switch, he’s either on or off. Rather protective to. With my coffee mostly down the front me, I was wondering if Odin likes waffles, because I do. Odin get in the truck, don’t bust my window I’ll it roll it down.

For a waffle iron of it’s age, best find a second store, there’s one down the road that way, which is no small jaunt. It’s then the Flashback happened not my fault mind you. Me and the Dan-knee were redoing some flor standing Avent speakers, needed some cross-overs. Went to Radio junk, found the place butthole to bellybutton, strangers mind you, packed in there like sardines. Dan-knee let’s go. Took a few days but I found the solution, called Dan-knee, let’s go the Radio Junk. Dan-knee was first to suffer my solution, not long after over the loudspeaker of that mall, ” please evacuate the stores, someone lit a stinkbpmb”. No, not even close. Being rather decent at chemistry, if you ever want elbow room while shopping, this is what ya do. Get 8 sandy cookies, cheaper the better, wash them down with a V-8 cocktail, wait for 2 hours, give the emzines in your belly time to do thier thing, change those ingredients into the most obnoxious gas any human body can produce, the isle you wish to traverse will be smooth sailing for your shopping pleasure. Toldja, I like chemistry :). Having a Odin works just as well. Some Woman turned the corner and say ” Eh!, does the dog bite?”. I looked at her, he ain’t bite me!, Stood there with the ole hands on hips look, as if that’s somme of sign of displeasure.

Long story short, Odin does like waffles with syrup, after 15, he was wanting more

,Odin, these last 6 are for me, you’re SOL.