See that, my Uncle Earl would be smiling
. A song did come to mind, so did bonjovi, fuck bonjovi
I’ve mentioned ole Pete a time or two, full Italian who speaks perfect Finnish. Where he lives, all his neighbors are women, there like 6 of them, says one smokes cigars, outside. He told them about my bacon, they want some he told me, ” ohh really, are they fun ladies?”, well they do some drinking and card playing, sounds like henhouse at times. “Pete, I’m thinking about new sticker, you mind if I try it out on your henhouse? That was a couple days ago, so this morning early mind you, I called Pete at zero 7 hundred, He was having a coffee, Pete I got the bacon ready, I haven’t applied my sticker yet, ” what is it”
Once you put my meat in your mouth, you’re gonna swallow”. I think sounds rather catchy
I heard him spit his coffee, then he used the Lord’s name in vain. ” JC, you them to kill me!”.
Well, better you than me.

I was in my own relics room, Johnny 5 came to mind when I seen something.

Friend of mine, he’s dead now, usta work for JPL out in the land of fruits and nuts. He had sent me a package, He had called me up ” did you get it?”. Yeah, open it, what hell am I looking at? “It’s a computer, learn the software & hardware, you’ll have fun”. It was a Linus OS.
A little something about the interwebs you may not know.

Al gorleeroni (earth mafia boss) once claimed he built the internet, total B.S. The porn industry did, How you say. Work the problem, think of the remote with all those buttons. Who controlled the remote in just about every household, the male did, why, well because our brains are wired in such a way to figure stuff out, you know, make life easyier for the ladies so they can do what they do. At that time, the ladies would be asking /telling, fix the clock on the VCR. Business seen an opportunity and horned in, the goverment came along, well now look what they’ve do it. It can be a great resource for sharing knowledge, that’s what the goverment does with it.
Here’s to all Patriots & friends going into 2024 with all their DNA still intact

Lt. Dan, a Patriot of the finest sort