Ok, she’s mad

Yeah yeah yea, all my fault

Had a cousin come up for the funeral, she has a African grey parrot named Rodger. For a birdbrain he’s ok, asked to watch it for a couple of hours while she went around shopping for stuff, ” sure I’ll watch it”. She didn’t say how to watch it, when askin me to do stuff, always keep this word in mind…


For 3 hours with him in cage, sat him in front of the you boob while I tended to things. Called me up yesterday still complaining about Rodger. Seems everyone now is a fucker Told her i wasn’t no G’damn mood at the time to care about anything, but you being cousin who drove 19 hours to come here, I could be nice enough to watch your stupid bird.

Dogs, I like dogs, dryed some sweet potatoes for the ratdog, with the few teeth he’s got left, he likes them, he likes them, some Mikey reference there. Not being baker, sis was the baker, thinking even I can make this without fucking it up

Before she hung up I told her, Via, remember this

Iron sharpens Iron

You cannot be sharp hanging around butter knife people