Random News And Notes

Let’s start with the elephant in the room. The Colorado supreme court just ruled Trump ineligible for the CO primary ballot. The usual suspects on both sides have already covered this ad nauseam, so I won’t go into much depth here. I personally (IANAL) think they’re out of their ever loving minds. The legal basis they quoted is section 3 of the 14th amendment. This despite no conviction or even charges relating to insurrection. Suffice to say, this is going to end up in front of SCOTUS and damned soon.

The crisis at the southern border is getting worse.

If you extrapolate those numbers out, more than 5 million illegals will have entered the country by January 2025. The worst part is, these numbers are only going to go up.

The 5th circuit court of appeals just issued a stay on the federal removal of concertina wire at the border in Texas. The court ruled that the government cannot “damage, destroy, or otherwise interfere” with the concertina wire fence erected in the Eagle Pass area. There is an exception (that I’m sure will be overused) for medical emergencies. Texas installed the razor wire as part of Operation Lone Star, a border security initiative, to stop the flow of illegal immigrants. 

A Hamas leader just admitted what we all knew already. Ahmad Kahlot, senior Hamas member and director of Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabaliya said that Hamas uses hospitals as bases of operations.

The confession was made while Kahalot was being interrogated by Shin Bet, the Israeli internal security and intelligence agency.

Terrorist supporters defaced the steps to the Lincoln Memorial last night. They wrote free gaza and other graffiti in red paint. Conservators started the cleanup as soon as the damage was discovered.

It seems I have something new to report on the Red Sea area every time I do one of these. This time it’s the fact that nearly all large container ship has rerouted away from the Bab el Mandeb and the Red Sea. So much for Prosperity Guardian. (BTW, if you want to know what’s what in international maritime trade, Sal is your one-stop shop. He has a very good YT channel and tweets about the subject regularly.)

Strieff over at RedState wrote a good piece on the Houthis. Part of that article covers the economics of TF 153. Here’s an excerpt with the relevant info:

The kind of a purely defensive strategy isn’t sustainable. It does not make sense to fire missiles costing up to $4 million at a drone, but the vertical launch systems (VLS) holding the missiles can’t be replenished at sea. The disruption of the West’s supply chain is not something we should tolerate. For a few dollars more, we could level everything in Yemen associated with missile attacks and piracy.

What he said. . .

Got a news story to share or something to say about any of the items above? Drop it in the comments below.