Welcome to Tuesday, December 26, 2023 Conversation

Black Coffee & Gun Powder Tea


Boxing Day’s origins

During the reign of Queen Victoria, servants, tradespeople, and the poor typically were given presents. The servants worked on Christmas Day and would have the next day off to go visit their own families. So, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the upper class would take leftover food, goods, or money and put them in boxes to give out to the poor.

One of the earliest records of this tradition was found in a 1663 journal entry from English Parliamentarian Samuel Pepys. Pepys entry mentioned that he sent a messenger to deliver a box with gifts and money to his shoemaker.

Britannica reported that while it’s not certain how the name “Boxing Day” came about, it may have come from the practice of giving these boxes as gifts or it could have been derived from the opening of alms boxes. These boxing were put in churches to get

The day is also known as  St. Stephen’s Day, after the first Christian martyr who was known for helping the poor, Almanac reported.