Having a dropped call from the VA isn’t a really big thing in these woods, phone service sucks, speaking of phones, how’s yours been working of late, if you say crappy, welcome to lake. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
A proverb is needed:
I was sailing on calm waters when off to the starboard side I noticed two islands, upon closer inspection, I noticed they were identical on all ways except for one. The first was full of truthtellers, the other one was inhabited by Liars. I set the compass as to steer clear of them both.
Some words shared a long time ago
Man’s task is to make safe the path for Woman to walk without fear
Woman’s burden is to bind Man’s heart with his spirit
Some other words spoken when America first went to war as a nation.
The Barbary Coast
“The only language these people understand is terror”.
Marines have a way with words

No assimilation, no friendship
Some G’damn made-up word to vilify & silence anyone who’s being honest about mankind’s most supremacist culture. Now the whole damn planet knows, islam will never be welcome in my woods.
Murph on
