Sitting outside with a coffee, there’s something best viewed outside, every morning there’s a eagle out over the lake, even today with high winds, it’s out there just soaring. Not knowing what the day may bring, it’s a good start.
Innocence wasn’t lost, it was stolen

Not being ever never invited to a whitehouse press conference
don’t hurt my feels none
On top of Spaghetti, that’s an old song, here’s another with an upgrade
I really don’t have any words except it’s not hard to squint and laugh at the same time. I called up the spaghetti dog, told him the sausage is ready.
He would remind you of Trinity eating beans, while talking about the palmer
I’ve mentioned the palmer before down the road some, a refresher of sorts, no one works there, they just live there, think of the bar scene of Jose Wales, was mine there once but that closed years ago, I don’t think they have a palmer snowplow, why spend money on such nonsense when everyone in that place owns a plow. Don’t be surprised seeing horses at town meetings which are held at the ballfield. Anyways, perhaps you’ve seen my friend at the Knuckle

Pulled in her drive, dropped the kickstand, seen his bike, walk into the backyard, he’s standing there with a plat of flowers, ” hea man, what you doin?”. planting flowers with your mom (she put him to work), I’ll get us couple beers, She never problems with bikes in the drive. Had this other song in my head while looking her and thinking, it’s gotta be the shoes that make her walk like that