Just like Woman

At 30 below, it’s quiet, real quiet. Something you may not have noticed, you have seen pictures of the front through the seasons, (moods).

The climate nutballs are worried about ice forming on the great lakes, unseasonable late. They are wrong once again. Ever notice when your woman, no matter her mood, she’s still beautiful, say she’s mad at you for something stupid, she’s carrying on as you can only smile, why, because of her beauty . Selective hearing is a side effect of her beauty. Say you was to take your woman out for dinner or a gathering, some take more time than others to get ready, why is that, it’s because Woman is on her own time, there’s no changing that. They don’t take that time for others, they spend their time for you. understand… ” I think so”. Now that the finer things in life have been taken care of.

I did call ole Pete asking about where the hell I could find some titty cheese, and yaknow he knew exactly what I was talking about. He did apologize for not knowing where to get some, said it’s been a long since he had some himself, he hung-up. Today would be a good for some onion soup, it’s easy to make, need cheese though, 3 kinds, Sharp, Mozzi and the Provalone, smoked of course. Cheese melts at 99 degrees, I didn’t have to worry about that.

It’s a lil chilly out here and stuff to do, I’ll leave you with what I been watching and knowing President Trump kicked ass last night.