Really, no really, stick with me here you’ll understand. Hell, I’ll give you a free 2-fer. This here is a woodland cow.

This here is an Indian cow

And this here is your standard white man cow

See what I did there, threw their fucking racism right back in their faces. Being a halfzie and all yaknow. Do notice all 3 cows are in snow, if you’re cold, they’re cold so bring them in the smoker :). This Army type called me up the other day complaining about his venison spaghetti, said he so tired of venison in everything. Told’em, it’s not even February and you’re tired of eating the same ole maggoty meat eh. “Smoke some will ya, least it’ll be kinda sorta different”. Sure, I can do that, it’s like I got nothing else to do besides go G’damn fishing sometime this year ffs.
Doing my magic in the kitchen, with Ratdog behind the baby gate, I wanted to test his mental state of mind. Ratdog I said as I’m extracting protein in the tub (don’t let your mind wonder off the REZ there), making sausage, protein extraction is VERY IMPORTANT. Ratdog, worse comes to worse and the situation is dire, you mind if you become my last meal, smoke of course” Seeing his tail wagging like he could be a base drum, Translation: he’s in full agreement :).
The 2nd half of the 2-fer I just cannot see wasting money when one can build the same g’damn thing with stuff laying around that just needs to be put together, For me it’s about saving money, not bashing on anyone, $250.00 for this smoke generator

Making your own generator is not that hard people, fun little project
I was looking at this picture here and thinking, I suppose food and sex have much in common
Lo-n-slo is the way to go, yeah,
food is fun, sex is supposed to be fun so why be in a hurry

fishing tip:
Being a son of a fisherman, I know stuff
Remember fellas
it’s not how deep you drop the worn but how you wiggle it