I watching that eagle sipping a coffee, I’ve been waiting to see a cardinal if you understand my meaning. Seeing the eagle every morning is pretty cool to.
Don’t know if you know this, so I’ll help you out. I got a free!, pocket size copy of the Constitution from Hillsdale College, those folks take not one G’damn penny from goverment. Offer much they do if one wants to learn stuff, stuff worth knowing. As the whole G’damn planet knows my flag was destoyed, flag pole was looking rather naked, it’s then I remembered a gift I was given while in South. If one reads the Constitution, they’ll notice something if they have reading comprehension. you will not find anywhere, the right not to be OFFENDED.
It was a gift, I’m keeping it
Biscuits and gravy yes, collared greens, um noo, no thank you

Human-trafficking, rather fancy word for slavery.
Those young boy’s faces speak loud

Strange it is, so many are looking in the rear-view mirror, for they are not going that way
Interesting little interview
The mayor of Realville was wrong in one area, He spoke of the left not being able to sustain Hate, they’d burn out.
Hate feeds on Hate

Hate also begats Hate, as in
don’t you just hate looters, of course any rational thinking individual would

International affairs:

Keep a smile on your face, for it confuses them, it also might be your last oppertunity