Doesn’t mean I’ve wasted my time, time is fire in which we all burn in, it’s not the amount time given, it’s what you do with the time given, that’s the important part.
I knew this moment was coming so I planned ahead. Got me baby gate along with some sass. ” So Chance, buying a baby gate, you actually found someone who wanted your pureblood”. Engaging a squint, adjusted my cover, I politely told Bill the cashier, fuckoff. Making bacon is some serious business, I don’t need anything extra like dog hair Cool thing about the Great unifier, Bacon for short, you can make it as you like.

Was hearing this professor of 35 years at the Naval Academy being interviewed, while sitting things up, he says, ” you know what’s not taught at the Academy, to run towards the fire, Marines do it by instinct” Thats when I smiled and thought, you know understand why we don’t have a football team
as in ” whoever threw that football into our territory needs to die, get’em boys”.
came to mind hearing about a town in Wisconsin, Chippawa county, not a big town, it’s been a dumping ground for illegals. If I was a shop owner in that town, I’d hang a sign in the window, ONLY AMERICANS are served here”. Be interesting to see how government would react, local, state or fed. After a few pork bellys made into the bacon, you end up with some unwanted fat, February and March are hard on the animals, suet bags rolled in bird seed is instant energy for the winter birds.

Ever notice the bacon you buy, spits and shrinks on you, it’s packed water, my bacon don’t need Viagra to stay long and firm. Hardwood smoked, Lo-n-slo is the way to go

The bacon ends are great for soups and beans and anything else you like the smokey bacon in

Is making bacon cheaper than buying it?, depends on how you view it, you know whats in it and not in it, packaging it also costs some money. When buying bacon next time, ask yourself, ” at these prices, am I having fun yet”
I did have some fun, mental fun while reading this headline
‘Mass casualty event’ by far right is ‘hanging in the air’ if Trump loses in 2024: experts
is that someone who believes in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the rule law?
I betcha those experts would love canada