The world has gone to hell in a hand basket.
I probably shouldn’t share this bit of family history, if knew she I did, she’d turn her ring around and find the back of my head. Grampa served 2 years after WW1 for running moonshine, ma had a job a job at the time, a legit job, which was cover for her real job, haul the shine to work, after work, bring back the empty jugs. If one thinks the goverment cares about you, read up on how many were killed when they poisoned illegal alcohol.
Meanwhile in the basket
Ever wonder where all this hate for America started, I don’t.

When I say, you cannot save everyone, there’s some that are so far gone, don’t waste time or materials.

Something else she’d say when something went wrong,
” if you don’t know where to start, you start at the beginning”
TJ, you’re up!

The Last Lion, it’s a good read
Only real difference from then & now, it’s our turn to Stand or fall
I really do need more shelving around here, was moving some stuff around, opened a journal, looks new on the outside, been there for awhile

School of hard knocks starts early, how early, well that depends on the home you grew up in, my parents both would have enjoyed this Man’s company, for he spoke thier language.
You hungry, after all that, I’m hungry

Life is fragile, handle with prayer
along with firearm safety taught early on, some prayers were taught as well.
“Our Father be our guest, let to us this food be blessed”.