The View From Here

Featured image: The Pond at Old Forge NY. The Pond is the final body of water of the Fulton chain of lakes in the western Adirondacks and is the source for the Moose River.

There was a shooting today at a school in Iowa. The first calls reporting the shooting at Perry High School went out at 7:37 am. Details are thin, but at least two people have been hospitalized with gunshot wounds and the shooter is dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. It is being reported that the shooter has been identified, but I will not use the name. It seems the shooter was lgbtq, and posts on their now deleted social media paint a disturbing picture.

How long before this whole incident gets memory-holed? The shooters socials have already been scrubbed. I’d also point out that there have been several other mass shooters from that segment of society and they’ve been scrubbed/memory-holed as well. Seems if the shooter can’t advance an agenda the MSM drops it like a hot rock.

The Islamic State took credit for the twin blasts along a processional route to the Kerman cemetery in Iran. IS, also known as daesh and ISIS, posted a statement on it’s telegram channels that said two IS members had detonated their explosive belts in the crowd which had gathered at the cemetery in the southeastern Iranian city of Kerman on Wednesday for the anniversary of Soleimani’s death.

I said yesterday that the blasts were likely to have been dissident groups in/from Iran. I didn’t expect daesh to take the credit though. This isn’t the first time the Sunni daesh attacked the Shia Iranians. In 2022 Islamic State claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on a Shi’ite shrine in Iran which killed 15 people. The also targeted the tomb of the Islamic Republic’s founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 2017. Hopefully, it won’t be the last time. Frankly, it does my heart good to see one tribe of goat fuckers blow up the other tribe.

The still unidentified good guy with a gun from that robbery/shooting in a Houston Taqueria has just been ‘no-billed’ by a Harris county grand jury. That means the man will not face any charges as a result of the incident.

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office mandates that all homicides be reviewed by a grand jury to allow members of the community to determine the appropriate outcome. This process ensures that all such cases are subject to community review at the grand jury and, if necessary, trial level.

Harris County grand juries are composed of 12 randomly selected residents who meet regularly for a period of three months to review all criminal charges to decide whether there is enough evidence for a case to proceed. If nine or more grand jurors agree that probable cause exists, they issue a “true bill,” or indictment, and the case continues on through the criminal justice system. 

If nine or more grand jurors determine probable cause does not exist, they may issue a “no bill,” effectively clearing the individual of criminal wrongdoing. The final decision as to whether to indict rests with grand jurors, not with prosecutors.

This process ensures that members of the community, rather than the District Attorney’s Office, determine the appropriate outcome in all homicides in Harris County.

I’m quite sure that Kim Ogg, the Soros backed, Harris county DA would have loved to stick it to this guy. From my perspective, that shooting probably deserved some sort of charge, but what I don’t know. The first 4-5 shots were fine, the next 2-3 were in that gray zone. The last one though, that was the one that probably should have jammed him up. He dodged a figurative bullet with the no bill. . .

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and 60 other reps went to the border at Eagle Pass TX yesterday. While they were there, a group of 60ish people crossed the Rio Grande and attempted to enter the US. They were stopped by the concertina wire strung there by the Texas DPS as part of Operation Lone Star.

I’m only half joking when I say there should be a few CROWS mounted on the US side of the border with some sort of random automated firing order programmed in. For those who don’t know, CROWS is the common remotely operated weapons system and can be fitted with everything from an M-249 SAW to the M-2 to a Mark 19. A few random bursts from time to time might just slow the crossings. . .

Ok, so this section isn’t going to feature a single story like I usually do. Instead I’m going to rant about the mess that is the Middle East for a few paragraphs.

Nearly all of the major maritime shipping companies have abandoned the Red Sea/Suez canal routes because of Houthi attacks in the Red and the Bab el Mandeb. US and other western countries troops are being attacked daily. Hezbollah and the Shia militias across the region are getting froggy. Iran is about to have enough properly enriched uranium to assemble their own nukes. And lost in all the other noise, Turkey is pulling some shady shit with the Kurds, in Turkey, Syria and Iraq. They also prevented the Brits from de-mining a section of the Black sea recently.

And why? Because of the feckless retards in the US NatSec agencies. Let’s be totally honest here, Biden’s hand-picked Iran envoy, Rob Malley, was in the employ of the Ayatollahs. Biden’s NSA, Jake Sullivan, an incredibly, deeply stupid man, is supposedly running the entire Middle East response himself.

The Houthi aren’t going to stop because of a sternly worded letter. Hell, they probably can’t even read the fucking thing. It’s my understanding the Brits (of all people) wanted to smoke some of that particular tribe of goat fuckers but were told to stand down by Sullivan.

The problems in that region are going to continue until we finally sack up and lay down some hate. Unfortunately, it’s going to take a direct hit on one of the US warships in the region before the current administration decides to do anything. And even then the response will be “proportional”.

I say, fuck that. It’s time to send a bunch of them to Allah. Power and strength is all they understand.