A great library has something in it that will absofuckinglutely piss of everyone, equally! When they first floated the idea of mixing a food source with an energy source, what a dumb idea,
unless your motive was greed.
Amagine being an 11 year old girl, with having food on the table and hearing news reports about a far away place. Gramma had a garden, grampa was good hunter down around the Cumberland Gap. She shared many stories, down the road some she spoke of a family, family of 3, she went over there to play with that girl, when supper came around, the mom put a carrot on the table, that’s all they had to eat. She also told of that family got scarlet fever. Some people came around later on and burned the house down with the bodies still in it. No one had seen the family for weeks prior, they did hang a sign about the fever outside so people knew to stay away. Terrible dreams for a long time she had. I know many stories from here side of the family many of them, most of them are about hard times.
Watching WEAK men create Hardtimes should piss you off , it does me.
You and yours are the carbon they want to reduce
While hearing this fella, a scene came to mind, in the film April morning, the father played by Tommy Lee Jones was asked by his son, “why you always so hard on me, always riding me?”.
Tommy Lee holding a pitchfork, leans on it and says
Because I won’t always be here

Here’s a 2-fer for ya, expensive? what the hell isn’t expensive these days
Patriot Foods, Inc. | West Olive, MI
Put your money where your mouth is, blueberries on sale, what the hell you gonna do with that many blueberries? Surely within your group the cost and the berries can shared.
Let them suit up

That way we ALL can have a good laugh