I know Lord it’s Sunday, not in a Sunday sort of way

I know, sometimes you just have to stay silent because there are no words to explain how you feel or think. This might be one of those occasions, if so, I’ll forgive you straight away, it’s the Christian thing to do.

Not being a gamer, some years ago I was over at a friend’s house, the kids were playing some video game, they made mention of the donkey lady, how or why she got into that situation, I have no idea

I can make an guess, which we all know, my guesses are far better than some people’s facts. Not to hard to figure out how the donkey lady got in that situation.

(how’s my guess work).

You like snake? I like Snake

that’s right Snake

It’s weird, it’s either I have no fucks to give, or I just don’t give a fuck, I cannot find a happy medium between the two.

Maybe, just maybe

Recognize these fellas? Charlie and Franz with their lovely ladies

Maybe giving a fuck or not, is based on one’s morality

I fired a dispatch to the Trump campaign’s musicman

Kinda went like this

Hello and good day to my Fellow Rebel scum, may I make a suggestion for when President Trump attends gatherings across this land, I sure it’ll be well received. Thank you and Semper-fi!

You have any idea how rare it is to live on a peninsula, located on a peninsula, look it up!, you’ll see, and understand why they keep me around, a diamond in the rough one could say. Now excuse, I have a coyote in the tanning shack that requires my full attention.