Lord knows I want to but I won’t.
Trials and tribulations man, always testing my patience.
Friend of mine, some of you have seen him, Silver Star recipient, likes to go fish the channels down around Brownville. His granddaughter lost her dad early on, so grampa stepped in. Those two posted are a good representation. ” I said some ffs”. Brough over a G’damn 15 gallon garbage can full of gulf shrimp, jammed packed in ice. Just what I wanna do, clean shrimp all G’damn day. He’s sitting there across the table sucking up my coffee just smiling the bastard. Yeah, I can make mean shrimp scampi. Scampi coming outta my frigging ears.
I remember something that once said

So on the trail, say I stopped in at an eatery kinda like this

Deep in thought about important stuff I hear this
Sitting there a side thought slide, she made that look easy

Song pops in my thoughts
She was there in the meadow where the creek used to rise
Blinded by sleep and in need of a bed
I came in from the East with the sun in my eyes
I cursed her one time then I rode on ahead
She said, “Where ya been?” I said, “No place special”
She said, “You look different.” I said, “Well, I guess”
She said, “You been gone.” I said, “That’s only natural”
She said, “You gonna stay?” I said, “If you want me to, yeah
Ahh supper is here, wthell kind of supper is this ffs

It’s all fun & games until time to get serious
1 day ago
Michigan is asking residents to help house migrants in their homes and help resettle them into society