The Crusades, happened a thousand years ago, dusty forgotten history, Au contrare, buckco. See it like this, the West may have the watches, islam has the time, we see things in decades, the muzzies think in generations. Not being preacher material, probably because I cuss to much, but!, I don’t swear, yes there is a difference, tell any Marine he “can’t” do something, he’ll take as a challenge or just to spite you. Cuss at Marines all you want, swearing isn’t a good option for ya.
That omarbrotherfucker, she wasn’t elected by Americans, she was installed by those somali types dumped in Minnesota by ole barrybungholie. When islam is the minority they cry victim, when in the majority, they crush the minority. There’s a guy in this video, he’d make a good preacherman

Looking the place, it’s hard to find a decent judge these days, I found one