Not sure where this is, Jakarta maybe, that part don’t matter, every one of them deserves at least a pound of the great unifier. BACON. Sad part, it shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Not so different from the 2020 stolen election. 1600 penn. ave. needs the same kind of cleaning in 2024.
Pay no mind to the ratdog jacket, fleece/batton/fur, he’ll be styling in no time

first I got this other project I’m working on. Let me add a little something about Women, don’t matter their age, they are consistant in their thought processes. Owner of the ODIN says, “make me something”, like what? ” ohh I don’t know, you’ll think of something, you’re good at that stuff”. Got in her jeep an took off. Looking around, yeppers, I got room this book.
Anyone know where I can get it?
There’s a place down the road some, believe me when I say, everything is down the road some. On top of Mount Arvon there’s book you can sign, kinda like Killroy was here.

The view on top

Figured I’d made a photo book of sorts, 3d leather

Not all young people are complete idiots, news is full of such idiots, her other half works in the woods, so guys like these young fellas can do what they do.
That’s craftsmanship right there,