Most of you will recognize those words. They were the catch phrase for Chico Escuela, played by the late Garrett Morris on Saturday Night Live. I’d post a clip, but for some reason — read political correctness — any video of Chico has been scrubbed from YouTube. (Don’t believe me? Head to YT and search Chico Escuela yourself. The closest thing you’ll find is an interview with Garrett Morris about his time on SNL.)

Why do I bring up Chico Escuela? Because today is Opening Day for America’s Pastime. The season kicks off at Citi Field in Queens with the New York Mets hosting the Milwaukee Brewers at 1310 1510 EDT with The Baltimore Orioles hosting the Los Angles Angels of Anaheim. The Metropolitans and the Brew Crew got rained out.
I make no secret that I am a HUGE Yankees fan, but I love all baseball. Hell, during the covid shortened season, I’d stay up till 0400 to watch KBO – Korean Baseball Organization – ball on ESPN just to get my fix. Over the course of the 162 game season, I’ll either watch or listen to — yes, listen to, as in on the radio — around 120 Yankees games plus any of the marquis matchups that cross my radar. That doesn’t include any of the Syracuse Mets games that I’ll go to during the minor league season.
The best part about opening day is the fact that every team is playing and nobody is eliminated from the post-season yet. Well, except for the Oakland A’s and the Colorado Rockies, they both suck. Hopefully neither of those teams are your favorites.
Here’s to a competitive and fun season. And Go Yankees!