This isn’t about the Oligarchy’s drugged up, malfunctioning, lying POS.
I know you all gotta be thinking, just how does he stay on an even keel. Outside has a lot to do it, sips coffee, being the nice guy that I am, thought I’d share the snow i got last night, the breeze keeps my air clean and the waves, well I go sleep to the sound, and wake to sound.
Before you start in with wth chance thinking I can tell ya right now, it’s to small to be jimmy hoffa nor does stink like the

ever hear something like this, ” I made you, I can take you out and make another just like you, keep it up”. well, it’s not either

her favorite place of getting rid of stuff was the outhouse, ain’t no one gonna look in there, told of some mooshine stories concerning guns. Having to make a new journo, thin leather is needed the cover, your Bibles have thin leather.

I know it’s Sunday and I know LAVA soap but!, a 4 journo series titled
Things are fucked-up by Chance
sounds rather catchy