As Gunny said
” Give your heart to Jesus, but your ass belongs to the Corps!
that covers Sunday rather well
Not that matters much, it snowed last night and it’s still snowing. There’s a lot to go through, so let it snow, don’t care. Ran across something that reminded me of the Sullivan Brothers on the USS Juneau

Understandable, still kinda unfair in the thinking. First some stuff about location location location.
Down the road some there’s a town called Musining, Pictured rocks are there


Lots of ice fishing on the Bay

Figures the Joneses would show up

Sorting stuff as I watch the snow gang up on me, big fat flakes, teasing me into swearing on a Sunday. Think think think
do I know a prayer for such stuff, yes I do.
” Lord who thyself wast tempted as we are, yet without sin, give me grace to meet this temptation which assails me and which I would overcome. Enable me to check all evil thoughts.
That should to it
Some Ancient Greek
Ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς! E tan e epi tas!)
“Come back with your shield, or upon it.

Did she know them, don’t know, there’s picture albums full of yoopers in uniform, Mom Sullivan and Mom Kordish, much in common, as all moms do with thier children in uniform.