People say stupid stuff like, I misspoke or you took that out of context, no, I’m just say it like it is, without the feelies, I’ll show ya what I mean, take the WITLESS for an example:
Gov. bitchmer proclaims March 11 to April 9 as the month of Ramadan in Michigan, what she really said was the Ramadan Bomb-Athon has now began, get your scorecards ready.
Sherriff Grady, he’s the kinda guy you’d want at your fire, tells it as it is, I like that
give him 5 minutes of your time.
The time I was talking about, my butcher buddy said my order was ready, ” hea man, what kind deal is that!”. Chance, you know what the cost of meat is these days, “well yeah so you pass the cost onto the consumer eh ” well yeah. Not his fault.
you can file this picture under
not bullets or bandages

He actually gave me decent price so no complaining really, giving him hard time, of course.
Speaking of giving a hard time,
you think I give Women a hard time? Naa, not really, more like, gotta be cruel to be kind right fellas
You that her a earned a hard time 🙂
Who needs to to do HARD TIME, all those who let this demon into our country, knowing who and what he is

Bronson is due for a new couch so I was told, he’s a rescue, Ratdog is a rescue
All is not lost some
Christian language for you
1 Corinthians 13:13
So be of good cheer
the music hasn’t died yet