Being a creature of habit, kinda sorta and somewhat, sitting out here with ratdog, sipping a coffee. She got her sparklies today, she’s like Woman, on her own time, which is perfectly fine with me. Telling the ratdog, dog, I go about my business bothering no one, help out where I can, do the right thing even when no one is looking. A little side item, it’s important. If you have friend with Torrents, find someone who does, they’ll will keep you uptodate with all the cuss words. I have friend like that, you know he’s about to go off when his head starts with a TIC. Good guy all around, born with a 1/2 inch in one hand, 9/16th in the other.

Been few days since I saw him and good thing, sipping my coffee, seeing this garbage, believe you me, I’m up to date on all the cuss words:
WEF speaker warns every time we drink coffee, we are ‘putting CO2 into the atmosphere’ — says each ton of Joe emits an alarming 15 to 20 tons of CO2. Is it time to give up your daily brew?
Ratdog, check the prices on these beauties

Mess with my coffee mister…
To redirect my thinking from the WEF + NAZI offspring, thought I would go see what Uncle Hancock is up to. He’s not really my uncle, I just call him that. I knew a Uncle Charlie, again, wasn’t my uncle, was Whano’s but everyone still called Uncle Charlie, that guy could roll Prince Albert into a cigarette one handed no problem. Uncle Hancock knows things.
Of the 3 things that remain, the greatest of these Love.
when I wear the full suit of Armour, I have attachments, I really attachments

See that, the woodworker layed a double-dare me, ok ok fine, I inlayed some African oak in some local oak, eh! I’m not a woodworker man. ” Not bad not bad for a Jarhead” shutup Squid.