Someone has to keep their wits about them while everyone else has lost their marbles.
It’s ok to smile then belly laugh
Researchers Find That Higher Intelligence Is Correlated With Left-Wing Beliefs
I’m sitting out here with coffee and ratdog, actually I’m in hurry and wait mode, so instead of wasting time, thought I would share some sage advice and other stuff. Telling the dog, toldja dog, look at my yard, not one damn leaf, God put them there, and He knows He’ll get a roundtuit to remove them why, well dog He’s knows I don’t rake leaves, total waste of time, I have stuff to do. Come to think of it, I don’t own a rake just like umbrellas, don’t have one those either.
While going to school, ever try trading at lunch, say like, some fried fish for that P&J sammich or maybe boiled fish for an egg salad sammich, no huh…. hmmm
I was looking at this so-called lunch, with enhanced additives like LEAD. you got that stuff, throw it out

Say that Sufferfortribe comes here and says, ” chance, I hate you” to which I’ll say, Suffer, remember, you walk into the kitchen an you see her beating the hell out of the dough, it’s a shure sign she’s not liking on you right now, see her using the breadmachine, ohh she’s lovin on ya. I should add this, In the Am she wakes up thinking about yesterday, don’t say this, I’m sorri dear for living through the night, I promise I won’t do that again. What was the crime? going fishing instead of mother-in-laws.
You have your lunch bag

And I got mine
No weaseling

Every food group needed to stay healthy, I suppose you notice, there’s no bread, that’s because I’m no baker, a Man gotta know his limitations. Fellas, don’t know if you know this but nuts, well… are really good for your nutz. I really do trust cows more than people in white coats & thier lil clipboards. Gotta wonder how many illegals will be put to work in the food industry. Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world,
Music for a Saturday