For those who may not know, there’s a difference between face paint & WAR paint. Black can viewed 2 ways, DEATH or the western direction. Today, we focus on the latter, not the former. A little something to keep in mind.
I have taken birds from the sky, fish from the river and lake, I have taken beasts from the forest, I have trampled where the caterpillar has walked, when I return to the good earth, I will nourish the life that follows mine in whatever form it may be.
Thought I parked the truck in a safe place, only to find a seagull left a healthy SPLAT! on the truck, seagull crap is the worst on paint. Thumbing through one of my books, seeing this recipe, it falls short of my needs.

Duck breast, who the hell talks like that, when everyone is thinking the same thing, duck titty. People really should speak proper. I don’t buy parts of chicken, only whole chicken, green spots on chicken, sure sign that chicken wasn’t healthy, probably why you can buy parts of chicken, cut off the bad, keep the good right?. I don’t think so. The plan is ratdog, I have 3 whole chickens, taken the wings off each one and smoke’m with SBR Sause, I gonna sit out and eat them infront of the seagulls, you know, just so they can see what I’m capable of G’damnit.
Sips coffee, ratdog, it seems like every five to 15 years the medical/dietary experts are forced to admit “So yeah okay the stuff we’ve been telling you all this time was a complete and total lie that someone just outright paid us to tell. But you still have to believe everything else we’re saying because if you don’t you’re an anti-science moron.
Listen-up experts, stay away from my plate.