I’ve been informed, some of us enjoy sunny 80 degree weather, I betcha if they used some Wesson oil, they get pretty perfect tan lines

Something that’s been in craw, seems I gotta stuff all frigging time, one thing you gotta understand about yoops, we don’t like explaining stuff, so I figure ya’ll do it purpose just to get my goat. An example needed, see that rock with rope, people probably thinking what the hell that suppose to be. Good thing I’m to once again,, explain stuff, I don’t need no stinking weatherperson to tell me what the weather outside, which happens where I am with a coffee and ratdog.
Deadly accurate

It’s probably a good thing I don’t a teevee station that fills up time with dumbass commercials to match the dumbasses on the teevee, like weatherpeople. But if I did, ohh you’d my commericals. They’d filled with all kinds good info with a touch history tossed in because I’m nice like that.

Whoever built this, needs to be taken out behind shed, wasting time foolishness.

One of my younger brothers got his hand slapped while in a Woolworth store while she said that, “you don’t waste money on foolishness”. Cheapass balsawood. Was a couple of days, she got old sheet, we got sticks, sturdy ones, (inserts a thought about kite string, nope , don’t remember buying kite string), No need to when thier plenty of conduit in the fish house at the dock.

No powerlines or trees in the front yard, She’d make windsocks with leaders from the tacklebox, send them up! Whoever owns this one, probably some rich kid,

Word of caution, don’t ever tell me, tyemeupand do what you want” Being a Man of my word, I’ll do just that G’damnit.
A mental note of sorts