A pinch of balance

That’s the old school of stealing memes

See the world of late, got her knickers all wadded up, nature gets as that from time to time File this report under

” I was here first, kinda sorta & somewhat”. Some days ago, while sitting my deck, looking at my front yard, this robin shows up with twigs, starts making herself at home, building a nest. Yesterday, she started in bitchin,moanin and complainin, even dive-bombed a couple of times

like I was to close to her nest, wth bird.

Knowing straight away, Midol and a snickers bar wasn’t gonna rectify this situation, I got up went out back behind utility shed lifted up an old carpet got a couple of crawlers, keep it wet, the crawlers will find it, walked back, that bird was still on the railing, didn’t fly away, sat down tossed 2 crawlers on the deck, took about 20 seconds, she was on them like bark on a tree, hunter to coke, so on and so forth, finally, peace an quiet restored. Anno, I don’t buy crawlers, buying them = less funds for the ammo can. An example for which I speak. Say I was called to congress to testify about stuff, first question outta their sewer holes would probably be something like this

” Why does anyone need hollow point shotgun rounds”?.

Well see, it’s like this, in today’s Amerika we are inclusive, if say an ILLEGAL ALIEN decides they wanna squat in here, I don’t know which important internal organ they can live without, so I included of them sayin with a smile. I seen a film where only the police and the Military had guns, perhaps you heard of it Schindler’s List

and another thing, I don’t dig crawlers.

Some poliTICKING for ya, it’s funny, not funny

Tosses this in for GP