Big Joe

Went seen Bronson, that ole dog is 16 years of age now, grey with lumps & bumps, don’t care, he’s a friend. Armydog says, ” how come you’re so nice to dogs, not people, you remind of me Big Joe”

Maybe it’s because they know, I know of the deal that was made so long ago between Man & wolf, so many have forgot it, that shut him up of a minute.

Some may know, others maybe not, that is the mark of Nazarene, what the jihadists intended for evil, the Body of Christ has reclaimed for good.

Custom foil stamps ain’t cheap. Used for embossing like on Bibles. Copper on the left, 24carot then cheap-ass fake gold, crappy lighting made it look even cheaper.

That took the news in direction you weren’t expecting, good! mean you’re paying attention. It’s not pedo-joe that needs a cognitive test, it’s those who vote him. ( inserts a side issue, Woman is suppose to make the man hard, not his life, am I right fellas, of course I am.

Hearing this young person, I’d say we all wish you were better educated, since we’re paying for it

There’s times you just gotta bite your tongue, not say anything, even more so when the young lady is holding a boomstick, I’d be minding your manners by not saying, ” you know blondie, you throw like a girl, and that’s ok! :).

I heard a doctor talking the level of insanity has grown since slab-jab, he’s a good one, he talked about in great length, not being a doctor myself, just a peasant scratching a life outta the woods, I to would agree, using different words from careful observation ” no shit sherlock, what was your first clue”

Dr. Peter McCullough, he’s the real deal, good guy who knows his stuff.

Unlike this one

Listen-up cupcake

the word history is derived from the word “historia” which means ” to inquire”.

Not everything is sexist ffs!

We need music