How’s your health, be it mental or otherwise

Who has the advantage, one that forages or the one that goes to a distribution center, let’s explore that for a moment.
Ever hear Eva?, Her words apply to all Western countries
useful stuff to know, Barbra knows things
Sticking with health, we’ll traverse the mental floss, a little story for ya. Was a time there was no fancy GPS, if one wanted to contact the boat, you have to call the Coast Guard, they would relay the message, the boat would do same in inverse. We didn’t know it at the time, the boat came in early, dad never went to the bar with his brothers, well… he did this time, she called my auntie, auntie told the boat is in at they’re at the bar. Madder than hornet, she told us, kids, stay here, with a frying pan hot off the stove, drove down walked in and let him have it. Worry half to death, bunch of kids at home looking out over the lake. She threw that hot frying pan his feet, there’s your G’damn supper, turned around drove home. Which led to me knowing what beer was before mother’s milk. 🙂 No more bars after that, well dad liked his PBR.
He built a bar in basement 🙂

White pine, untreated, I don’t buy smokers, I build them, among other things (snickers). I’m not cooking the bacon, I’m smoking until the internal temps hits 125,
cooking comes later

How you learn fractions, at school? I was taught outside

I’ll use that wood for a smoker, memory build of sorts, he didn’t talk much, she did all the talking, when he did talk you listened.
“Take care of the land, the land will take care of you:”.

I ain’t eating no fucking bugs