Not the deep end.

Sips coffee out here, with more meat in his diet, he’s becoming quite the hunter, had him shrooming, took after a rabbit, had to pull him out of the rabbit hole, I betcha that rabbit was making all kinds of pellets with the dog half way in. Coyotes, wolves around, gotta keep a close on him, they go for the easiest prey, lots of pets are taken right from backyards.

Some useless advice:

Say you get between a momma bear and her cubs, climb a tree, and piss it’s in eye, you won’t live a minute longer, your bladder will be gladder at the time of death.

I see you bear, get outta here.

Damn bear been hanging around, doesn’t make shrooming a calming experience.

Know any woodworkers?

I know one, this isn’t him, still as you watch the woodworker, a question should come to mind.

Now that ILLEGAL ALIENS can buy guns, why do AMERICANS need background checks?

A follow-up: just how many gun shops are there in America? 🙂

What follows still can be filed under outside or TMI, it’s like a 2-fer

I had brought dishes from the house to my place, with my cover on, a shirt, boxers and my boots sitting on the porch, this woman came to buy the dishes. I’m sitting there sipping a Vernors, she got them in her vehicle, just before she drove off, she says and I quote “you know you are jockstrap worthy” waves an left. I payed no mind to her sass. Sitting there with a list of stuff I gotta do, a song did come to mind.

Dealing with insurance companies, another bunch that needs to go.