Off the cuff shall we say

See that, you’ll should take moment to be thankful, that I don’t own a tank! The reason being, I was looking at the budget, seems I cannot afford the care & feeding of a tank G’damnit.

Plan B, squatters,invaders, ILLEAGAL ALIENS along with other assorted riff-raff, Read the sign: If you don’t belong here, close the gate and leave, that’s some proper negotiating right there. Sips coffee, ratdog, how would you like a buddy, I’ve been looking at the Ruski prison system, they train their doggos for prison calmness shall we say. I’ll translate from Ruski to yoopanese.

” You have 8 seconds”

to get back in your cages before you become Morgue material.

Caucasian dogs hunt down bears, we got bears.

Close the gate and leave…

Ever been told, you shouldn’t do that I have, a few times,

to which I say, yeah well, I’m still here

I won’t go in the particulars of where and when, this shirt was a gift long ago

This is one of those moments, the gift giver, lil sis

she’s been gone now for a while now, always had cats, for what ever their reasons they’d run from me. ” what did you do?”. I walked in the door is all. Every cat she had would run away from me, I never hurt a kitty cat, nor would I, cats just stay away from me, their reasons are their own. She was PADI certified, could skin a buck and you’d be hard-pressed to find Tarrow in the package of venison when she was done processing. A little story for ya, was in my kitchen talkin with her, her little yoop about 5 years of age comes in with my blues blouse draped over his shoulders, ” can have this?”. NO!!, now go put it back, the kid ran, ” you didn’t have to yell at him”. He comes back, Get over here, listen-up, look at me, you want that, you have to earn it understand. Went to his graduation at P.I., standing there next to his D.I. E-6, he looks at me says, ” holding the collar, ” I earned it”.

Damn kid remembered.