Random News and Notes

Iranian (ex)President Ebrahim Raisi died in a helo crash Sunday. Good riddance to bad Rubbish.

Raisi was returning to Iran after a diplomatic trip to Azerbaijan. All indications are that the crash was what’s called controlled flight into terrain. That’s on the pilot for flying below minimums.

It seems the midwits in the State Department think the Butcher of Tehran deserved some sort of hagiographic sendoff.


I really, really hate everyone who works in Foggy Bottom. . .

It seems the Iranians have decided on who to blame for the crash today as well. According to Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s former foreign minister, the US is responsible. How’s that? Well, Iran has been prevented from buying certain aircraft parts due to sanctions. That includes parts for the 45+ year old Bell 212 carrying Raisi.

I’m pretty sure I covered the JLOTS (joint logistics over the shore) pier the US was using to speed ‘humanitarian aid’ to Gaza before. The whole thing has been a goat rope and should – but probably won’t – open some eyes in the Pentagon. Between the delays, mechanical issues and assorted f*ckups along the way, the JLOTS is now up and running. Kind of. Most of the first shipment of aid from the pier was stolen before it could get to the distribution center.


There was a high school track meet in Oregon recently. You might ask why I bring it up, and rightly so because there are track meets held this time of year all over the country. At this specific meet, the winner of the girls 200m race was booed, both at the finish line and at the awards ceremony. You see, the winner was a boy named Aayden Gallagher.


Better get your fill of Cheddar Bay biscuits, Red Lobster is declaring bankruptcy. The chain said it has outstanding liabilities of between $1 and $10 billion in the filing. Much of the fault can be laid at the feet of the hedge fund that bought the seafood giant. The fund sold off all the real estate and then leased it back to the company at inflated rates.
