Journal entry: Mickey mouse

Didn’t watch the debate, didn’t have to, wanna know who did, the World, and the enemies of Freedom & liberty. For those who did, 3 years of the LYING DOG MEDIA along with the 50 spies who lied was on full display.

I don’t give a rat’s ass if one is fat or skinny, rich, poor, black, white, yellow, brown or Red , tall or short, we all in the same G’damn boat.

What’s it look like waiting on that call from President Trump, looks like this

They wanna play ball, let’s play

Some words spoken into the golden microphone rings true still

Letting out ratdog, name the tune

Some food for thought: Don’t be surprised if you hear the scumbags tossing around the name BITCHMER as the replacement, know this, I have nothing but contempt for her. A quote from a State Supreme court judge, a yooper.

” Blow the bridge!”.

John D. Voelker

Both of these ingredients are good for my heath & wellbeing

You’ve know breakfast, this would make a great 2nd breakfast, just a little something to munch on before lunch

I know I knowwww, not everyone cannot be a Marine, so you know, I’ll forgive straight away. Your scrounging abilities may not be up to par, so here is a little something that may be useful, you know ROADHOUSE

” Future is uncertain, the end is always near”

What’s it like leaving the peace and quiet behind. It’s like this