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A sense of humor is critical to survival. Sure, you need food, water, shelter and other stuff – but a sense of humor holds your shit together when Life being a MF and that’s where we’re at.

John Mcclane did a film called Sin City, thinking they fashioned the Yellow bastard

after Fauci, the killer of kids & dogs and many others.

One of my best quotes


Reference my favorite quote while hearing scarf lady

Was a jingle about a candy bar, ” sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t”. This is kinda sorta and somewhat like that. Many topics hold my interest, food is like right up there with air. Now I cannot speak for everyone, which I wouldn’t do anyway, but when I feel like some chicken jerky, which don’t happen very often, Miricle Mike comes to mind, something else that don’t happen. Never heard of Miricle Mike eh, I’ll help you out, do your research.

Miricle Mike lived for 18 months without his head!

Mike the headless chicken “dances” in 1945.

So there I was with the meat mallet flatting out some chicken breast (local) Mircle Mike came to mind, then outta nowhere a thought popped in, gotta wonder how long those two forementioned could last without thier heads, well, according to research done in France, about 12 seconds. Thing is poultry is different than say cow, say you do make chicken jerky, when it’s done toss it on a bake sheet, 275 , 10 minutes to kill any remaining bacteria. With my chicken jerky in a mylar, oxygen absorber 100cc, it’ll last a good long time, it’ll be there when I do feel like some chicken jerky, which ain’t often

kinda like Mircle Mike

Speaking of bacteria

a little morsel you may be interested, maybe not, but then you never know.