Old dog, new tricks

Time, it’s the fire we all burn in, it’s not the amount of time given, it’s what we do with the time given, that’s the important part.

You got time for this crap

Global warming accelerating at ‘unprecedented’ pace: study

Study: Climate Change Will Cost $38 Trillion a Year By 2049

I sure the hell don’t

Spending some of MY time to inform, vent and inquire. Now that ratdog got a high & tight, I can see how he is progressing with the Clint squint. Work on it dog, I’m not impressed.

With him needing to be cleaned up, I took my chances, see what I mean

This is like a vent, kinda sorta and somewhat.

America has these gay parades

Poland has Winged Hussar parades

I want a refund

Ladies, as you know, Men have throughout history used some sort of pick-up lines

(some stuff never changes).

Would you be offended if you’re known as a breeder?

Let’s test shall we 🙂

Do notice the manners I used, Ladies first.

Fellas, as you know Father’s Day will be here soon enough, so be prepared to get nothing.

Tosses in a bit of history venting

Back 92, I walked into kitchen, instant Clint Squint, ” you like the new carpet, no more cold kitchen floor”, she was all kinds smiling holding a coffee cup. Impolite I know, asking a question with a question, it needed to be asked ” Who did this?”. She never tell me the name, everything else but the name. Somewhere way back in the cranium, I knew I was going have pull it up.


If only she’d given me a name

Something else I don’t time have for, taking part in discussions concerning the 308 vs 6.5

Just because I’m not a woodworker, doesn’t mean I don’t tools, course I got tools, I couldn’t work the chop saw, without knowing numbers, I used that measure to do the floor, worked just as it built to do.

Inquiry of sorts, dad liked his PBR, in this economy, money is tight, unless you’re Gold bar Bob from Jersey. conventional countertops ain’t cheap, see this, this is made from cement

make the counter resemble Mahogany Ridge, dad would be smiling :). ma would be happy her kitchen is like matching, another thing that never changes, Women like stuff to match.

Exodus 20:12 engaged

Anyone ever do such a project? Input input input, good or bad, it’s input.

There’s music about time

Sweet Brown, you’re up!