Stay Frosty Friends Redux

Back in February I wrote an article about Arab illegals crossing the southern border wearing branded tactical gear.

Welp, something similar just happened. This time it was 8 Tajiks. For those unaware, Tajikistan is a muslim majority former Soviet republic that borders Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and the XinJiang province of China.

As a bit of background, there have been more than 9 million encounters with illegal border crossers since 2021. Keep in mind, that number only goes up to the end of February 2024. I couldn’t quickly find the numbers for Q2 of this fiscal year, but rest assured it was in the 7 figure range.

It seems the 8 were allowed entry after ‘vetting’ at the southern border. It just happens that all 8 have ties to ISIL-K (Islamic State Khorasan province).

About In somewhat related news, about a month ago, a SOCOM colonel stationed at Ft. Bragg err Liberty shot and killed a Chechen illegal who had been prowling around his house and taking photos of his family. The entire story out of Carthage NC is bizarre from start to finish.

It seems this is becoming a common occurrence, not the shooting, but the surveillance of US troops by foreign nationals. Maybe it’s time for the shootings to become a more common occurrence as well.