Happy Birthday MilVets and Patriots!

How the time flies. It’s been 4 years since Uni and I launched MVAP as a place for Veterans and other like-minded people to connect and converse.

We did a ‘soft launch’ at the end of June, but the official launch was 4 July2020. This was the launch post:

Since that first official post, there have been more than 500,000 site visits and several million page views. Not too shabby for a small site. And we have you, Dear Constant Reader, to thank for it. As a small reminder, we do have a push notification system up and running on the site. You may need to disable your ad blocker to see it. But seeing as we do not serve any ads on the site (I know, I know there are ads in the comments, but they aren’t ours and we don’t have a choice about them being there unless we want to pay a couple of grand a year for the paid disqus plugin), it won’t affect anything if you do.

While we’re on the subject of thanks, I need to extend mine to the team here;

AuntiE, for her daily conversation posts, her timely political posts and her patience;

WhyNot, for ensuring posts get tagged and getting – and keeping – the conversations going;

Chance, for sharing his insights with us all;

Walt Mow, for putting up with this editor messing with his pieces before publishing

And most of all, our Publisher Rogue Unicorn for making this hot mess possible.