Journal Entry: just never know what the day may bring:

If these entries take your mind off all the bullshit going on out there, then I’ve done a good thing, The other day was at the house, doing stuff, for those who don’t the difference between vintage and Antique I’ll show you, you know, just so you know 1966 GE radio, works just fine, did think about painting the kitchen in Marine Corps Camo, thought better of it, didn’t want people coming here with the stinking thinking of…. What the hell did we just walk into

Wanna know what fashionable back in the 1800’s, well I show ya,

Sash windows

They have rope, weights and pulleys

Look at the time, it’s time for 2nd breakfast, getting some food

Anyways, I got window operational once again, I found some LAVA soap, I hate that stuff, soaped up the rope, the window works just fine now. Bout then the BOSCH subwoofer power box stopped playing music, wth, now what, was Lisa from next door knocking the door, ” what you want lisa:” our windows are rattling from your music, Lisa, it’s a sure sign your home likes my music :). Her Navyman came over, Chance, it’s 2024 and you still playing great music, ” thanks man” he grabbed Lisa’s ass saying, it’s good music let’s go. They left, back to BOSCH, Lisa… this one’s for you :).

Notice I wasn’t here yesterday, Buckie stopped by, I don’t see him often, we keep in contact. This would remind of Buckie

Met him at the VFW down road while having burger and fries,

he was 101 Airbourne, Operation Iraqi Freedom

Sitting outfront with a coffee I hear buzzing off in distance getting louder, well well well ratdog, look who came to visit Buckie!

Who the hell buys a plane without a pilot’s licence and medical clearance, well.. Buckie did. He’s been wanting to be a bush pilot up in Alaska for a while, finally got his medical. Told him, look kid, Alaska has the most air accidents of all the states.”I know” When you heading out?. “Before the snow starts here”. Stay in touch eh, ” will do”

There goes Buckie

Flying the bush in Alaska, dangerous stuff.

This one for is for Buckie

Was a film, woulda been better if tom cruise who’s on cruise control wasn’t in it.

See that posted picture up top, I was bummin, he didn’t ask me if I wanted ride