My uncle Earl usta race on the ice over by Soo, also on dirt

Way back then it wasn’t about the prize money, 15/20 bucks for placing 1st wasn’t much money, sometimes, there wasn’t money, Uncle Earl came home once with a pig on his bike and a big smile. Was a runt, maybe a 30pounder. One time pulled in the drive, seeing the panhead sitting there, I knew whose it was, Walked in the back, what you doing here man ” was close by so I thought I’d stop in say hi your mother, she put me work in the flower bed, had me carry 5 bags of soil”. yeah, she’s like that, a little trick to avoid being put to work never show up here alone, ” I’ll remember that” .
Was telling dog, dog, the days of you laying around like a dog on a porch are over! When dogs are topic, I engage the KISS effect. Keep It Simple Stupid
If the dog cannot go, I don’t go
Hurt the dog, I hurt you
those are non-negotiable
84 dyno-glide

With the proper eye protection, dog, you be fine
Uncle Earl he be smiling in Heaven
ma well… you’re all motorcycle crazy
Dog, I like Ritchie so you will to