Ever notice anything normal the left says that’s viewed as extreme, reason being, they’ve gone so far left, they wouldn’t know normal if slapped them uplong side their head. what would be a normal reaction to this threat:

You cannot start a war then claim victim when you are losing the war you started.
Yes Betsy
” how you want the stars?”.

Just spangle them bitches, we got caps to pop, bodies to drop.
This is one of my top quotes
Think these terms
At the Outpost, where you can buy live bait, bring in pelts, buy trapping supplies, outdoor stuff, it doesn’t matter if you buy one box of ammo or 5, you get a little card, a reminder of sorts:
The Rifle on the Wall
It all began that day at Concord bridge
When from the valley fields & the ridge, they left the plow, axe upon the tree
Came to fight for Land & Liberty
From the mantlepiece, the cabin-side
They took their rifles hanging there with pride
Fired the shots that echo down through the years
That even now would-be Tyrants fears.
So mark this well
Free Men & Women forever fall
When they have lost the Rifle on the Wall
It’s a truism, Everything the left touches turns to shit, look what they’ve done to the work ethic. Round here, it’s viewed as a hand-me-down, good place to use my 2nd favorite quote, so you get full understanding of it add a sigh… a heavy sigh… “fuck”, I hate sanding.

It’s not like I’m standing round with my dick in my hand, I got stuff to do.
Couple of items to keep in mind.
Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted, and why pay someone for something you can do yourself.
That’s normal thinking around here
It’s a good song for the situation we find ourselves in, don’t believe me eh, just look at who they coronated
Rev 17:1-6