Tourist season

Go ahead, you can make fun of the yoopers, know this, when the SHTF, there will be many regretting it. Going to see the Armydog, I gotta drive through town, all kinds of people, just shy of butthole to belly bottom. Walking around in God’s country, what are they doing,

this… there is one in the video that can be excused, his spotter needs to replaced. Not so different than calling shotgun, you have responsibilities as in looking for deer in the road while the driver picks the music.

I am happy to be a part of the last generation to know life before social media.

Sips coffee… another thing which one can still relate to the people in town or the video

ask yourself this question, will I be included the 500 million, with a follow up, do I want to be included.

I need to say this before I refresh the thinking.

Whoever did the Georgia guidestones, you did a piss-poor job, never heard of angry play-doh eh, well least you give it a go.

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

What a life that would be eh, me being a PUREBLOOD, they’d put me cage and breed me with only the finest of stock. That’s no life, that’s slavery for the ladies and myself, when our usefulness is over for our so-called betters what then, shipped off to someplace resembling Unit 731 ran by fauci and scarflady


Being a PUREBLOOD I will be available in case the planet needs to be kickstarted 🙂

A short story concerning a Fourth of July gathering down the road some, not being cheap, got tickets at half price, $7.00, we only paid for one of music. The Dan-knee and myself took the girls to go see Marshall Tucker band Everything was going great until Marshall Tucker finished the first set, then said ” we have a table set-up,if anyone wants an autograph”. Dan-knee’s wife, new wife of a couple years told him have them sign this beer bottle, he took and went down there. There was no less than 50 or 60 women down wanting an autograph, one started trend by taking off her shirt, next thing, shirts and top of swimsuits were being tossed in the air, basically, he was in the middle of sea of boobs. He was doing pretty good for having head on a swivel until he came back with the beer bottle, his girl started in bitching and wailing on him. Then I got wailed on while hearing ” you ain’t no better!”.

Enjoy the music

Not all my friends are dead or in jail and I got proof