I was in a good mood, saved a bunch of money, didn’t even go to Geico insurance, having replaced a couple sticks, still two coats to go, no matte finish, will use oil base, I’ll have my own shiny gym floor.

Rough water ahead
Amagine sailing along, off in the distance you spot two islands, as you get closer something shows itself, they are twins in every respect except one. One Iland is inhabited by truth tellers, while the other is packed right tight with liars, it’s hard to tell who is who, I reset the compass, best course, steer clear of both and be on my way.
We don’t have a justice system; we have a legal system
Police Raid on Michigan Farm Sparks Concerns Over Government Infringing Private Dairy Rights

Staying informed about current events is necessary but G’damn, this is a good representation of me before reading the news, after reading the G’damn news.