America, pay attention G’damnit

Or you can relearn the lessons learned at Jamestown, Thanksgiving is happy time for many of US. It’s the exact oppisite of what happened the prior two years at Jamestown.

The first English settlers in America landed in 1607 and called their settlement in the New World Jamestown. Headed by Captain John Smith, the colonists were economically organized as a socialistic community, requiring all the settlers to give all products of their labor to “the common store.” Individuals had no private property and no economic freedom. This system quickly turned disastrous, bringing famine and starvation. Said an early historian, “It was a premium for idleness, and just suited the drones, who promptly decided that it was unnecessary to work themselves, since others would work for them. Even Smith’s threats that if someone did not work, he would not eat did little to improve the economic malaise. Thus, beginning in 1611, Governor Thomas Dale began abolishing the common store system, he had the London Company grant fifty acres of land to each colonist if he would clear the trees and farm it. The injection of private property and economic freedom brought about a dramatic change in Jamestown. Now the colonists worked and prospered. The new economic system demonstrated that socialism does not work. It also showed, as one observer once noted, that “Christianity is not a socialistic chimera.

History is indeed important; it’s why the left is constantly trying to change it. A set of railroad tracks side by side, look closely, slight differences will be seen, do notice they go in the same direction.

Socialism & Communism

Few days back, I had read something to the effect of ” this crop of Lunatics will outshine the Lunatics of 68, from what I’ve seen so far as been a pisspoor effort.

Orvil is counting you to do better.

The demoncrat drones, they a collection of oddballs that’s fer shure, the hyena didn’t get one primary vote, no debate with other democrat demons, they are ok with it, must be that democracy they babble on all the time. They are ok with no choices other than the one chosen for them.

The dnc in commercial break

Does seem like the dnc’s main plank is abortion, reason I ask is a tree came to mind

It’s known as the Bashing tree

it’s where the Khmer Rouge would take babies and bash them against the tree.

Resistance to Tyranny comes with consequences

so does submission

Choose your Consequences carefully