Attitude is everything

With marky’s words still fresh, hence the posted picture

A while back

I mentioned a Marine buddy going under the knife, hopes & prayers were offered, I passed them on to his wifey. File this situation under self-preservation. I was told by his wifey of 32 years, NO BEER, his doctor told him NO BEER, I’m watching you 2 like a hawk. Thier landline rang, she went in, about the same time this other Marine showed up with some pisswater, sat it on a table. Chance, hand me a beer, no way man no way, ” the wifey won’t know hand me one” NO, not afraid of your wifey brother, it’s the cops, you die from drinking pisswater with the meds your on, I will not be arrested for your death. The Marine standing drinking a beer, basically teasing him. Tell ya my friend, that table is in my way and I gotta water one your trees, I moved the table went out, came back in to see this: You crazy fuck, he just smiled.

Well he hasn’t died and the wifey don’t know so, life is good. Standing there looking at him, yeppers, scars tell better stories then tatts. Those who have healing hands are different than say the killer of kids & dogs. They took an Oath. We all don’t healing hands.

He has a great attitude about stuff

He asked me so how I do, told him I did real good, me a sticker in the mail

no no no I ment at VA, ohh, it went well, “that it?”. yeah