Excuse me Thomas, what’s this private, a dispatch from Marky

Trying to have a conversation with Thomas Jefferson over a couple pints discussing the finer things in life, like women, chaos wrapped in a beautiful package.

Marky says

UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts: ‘We’ll come after you’

LONDON, ENGLAND – MARCH 22: Assistant Commissioner, Mark Rowley of the Metropolitan Police makes a statement outside of New Scotland Yard on March 22, 2017 in London, England. A police officer has been stabbed near to the British Parliament and the alleged assailant shot by armed police. Scotland Yard report they have been called to an incident on Westminster Bridge where several people have been injured by a car. Marky thinks it’s perfectly fine that 12 year old girls get raped and cut to pieces, if you say anything about it, you will be in big big trouble.

Thomas, I doubt marky knows about this place, this should get him up to speed.

What Happened to Original Tun Tavern, Birthplace of Marine Corps| Military.com

Thomas, lunch is on me, a BLT sounds good, ” sure does Chance”.

Thomas had the koran translated, word for word, paraphrasing here,

” if America knew what it contained, islam would never set foot here”.

This is Hannah, murdered inside her home protecting the children, dragged her out, burnt the place down. They weren’t after her, they wanted her husband James, why, because they didn’t like what he was saying, a short time later they assassinated him 18mothes, there about.

The War of 1812, could be viewed as the 2nd Revolution for Independence, people like marky burnt the whitehouse down, that’s ok, needed a little renovation anyways. I betcha ya a pasty Thomas, marky don’t know America has pirates, our pirates, least they got manners, talk with Jean Lafitte, you’ll be mannered to death. Thomas, watch this. ” You! yeah you at the end of the bar William, William Eaton

what say you? “Chance, the only language these people understand is terror!”. people like marky would be ok with paying Tribute (ransom), for ships seized and passengers taken into slavery.

Without 2nd, there is no 1st.

marky, you sure you want some more, we’ll give you more… Lots more